Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Looking Back

Looking back on my brief stay in Kalihi it really wasn't all that bad.  I apologize for the crap I spoke as I was certainly out of line.  In fact I did enjoy my stay for at least 1/2 the time.

Thinking of our neighbors we had some nice ones.  They were thoughtful and friendly.  Of course we had some unthoughtful ones who tended to smoke pot waaaay too often.  Personally, I hate the smell since I grew up around people smoking it - same goes for cigarettes.

The weather was generally good although it was terrible when there was no breeze. As I mentioned before the rain sucked because it literally went through the wall and bled on the inside.  I wasn't kidding about the mold/mildew but I'm sure that is typical of living at that elevation and climate.

Some positives about living there was access to the hiking trail, proximity to our friend's house a few streets up, and centralized location (to the freeway).  Our landlord was also great and turned out to be "family".  My criticism about Kalihi was unwarranted as people living in this area would consider it to be too hot and muggy at times.  Besides my Dad was from Kalihi and he was the mang!

Friday, July 18, 2008

I Have Returned

Yep, I'm back home with a short commute and nice weather. Living in the valley was nice but... the commute sucked... the weather sucked... the neighbors (some) sucked... and I was constantly getting sick from the all the damn mold!!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Many changes over the past 3 months. Lots of good ones with a few bad ones. Life comes and goes with the sullen passage of time. Yet I remain unimpressed with the obvious. If it bleeds then take care not to stain the cloak of wisdom with foolishness. Now sleep.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Back For A Bit

Back for a bit just to do a quick update or two.

Moved and settled in at the new place. Lotta offers to help but I rather sweat the work myself. Still got some crap at the old place so I gotta store them.

Thought traffic would be a bitch moving out there but worked out good. The only change in our schedule was leaving 15 minutes earlier. It takes 20 minutes to get to work with 15 minutes more to spare.

Aside from that, I'm feeling kinda sick right now. Four buffets in a row (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) and I feel like hurlin'!!!! :(

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Moving is SUCH a BITCH!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Been a while

Been a while since I last posted here. Too busy. Too stressed. Too tired. And now, too sick. Still gotta update the naycha site with the last hike. *ugh*

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Gettin' Fat

Yep, starting to pick up some fatness again. Just can't get away from the starches now that I reintroduced them into my diet. Rice, bread, pastries, candies, pies, cake, ice cream, smoothies, blah-blah, blah-blah, blah-blah.

From my trip I think I gained maybe 5 pounds so in about 2 weeks maybe it's about 10. Quite a bit more snug around the waist too. Intake is just too great so my workout isn't balanced enough to burn the crap off.

Weather is not condusive to working out too. The cool weather makes me want to sleep longer in the morning. Also doesn't allow free sweats. :(